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Social Media Optimization(SMO), Importance and Application.

What is Social Media Optimization about?

In short; Social Media Optimization,(SMO) is the process of optimizing social media profiles and content to increase their visibility and engagement.

Social Media Optimization is a strategy used to improve the visibility and reach of a brand’s social media presence. It involves optimizing social media profiles, content, and campaigns to attract more followers, increase engagement, and drive website traffic. In today’s digital age, SMO has become an essential part of any successful marketing strategy.

Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn are powerful tools that can be used to connect with potential customers and build brand awareness. By optimizing social media profiles with relevant keywords and engaging content, businesses can increase their visibility and attract more followers. Additionally, by creating and sharing high-quality content, businesses can establish themselves as industry leaders and build trust with their audience.

One of the key benefits of SMO is that it can help increase website traffic. By sharing links to your website on social media platforms, businesses can attract more visitors and potential customers. Additionally, SMO can help improve search engine rankings. Social media signals, such as likes, shares, and comments, can have a positive impact on search engine algorithms, which can ultimately lead to higher search engine rankings.

To apply SMO to your marketing strategy, there are several key steps that you should take:

  1. Optimize your social media profiles:
    Make sure that your social media profiles are complete, accurate, and up-to-date. Use relevant keywords in your profile description and ensure that your profile picture and cover photo are professional and consistent with your brand.
  2. Create engaging content:
    Develop a content strategy that includes a mix of promotional and informational posts. Use high-quality images, videos, and infographics to make your content more visually appealing and engaging. Develop content that is engaging, informative, and visually appealing. Use images, videos, and infographics to make your content more shareable.
  3. Engage with your audience:
    Respond to comments and messages in a timely manner and make an effort to connect with your followers. Encourage them to share your content and participate in discussions. Respond to comments and messages in a timely and courteous manner. Encourage conversation and create a sense of community around your brand
  4. Use social media advertising:
    Consider using paid social media advertising to reach a wider audience and drive traffic to your website. This can include sponsored posts, promoted tweets, and LinkedIn ads.
  5. Measure and analyze your results:
    Use analytics tools to track your social media performance and make adjustments to your strategy as needed. Monitor your follower count, engagement rates, and website traffic to determine what is working and what can be improved.

In conclusion, Social Media Optimization (SMO) is a crucial aspect of any successful marketing strategy. By optimizing social media profiles, creating engaging content, and engaging with your audience, businesses can increase their visibility, attract more followers, and drive website traffic. By following these steps and continuously analyzing your results, you can develop an effective SMO strategy that helps you achieve your marketing goals.

Effective SMO Strategies that you should use:

Here are some more of the most effective SMO strategies which you shuold consider to use for within your company:

  1. Identify your target audience:
    Understand who your target audience is and which social media platforms they are most active on.

  2. Use hashtags:
    Use relevant and popular hashtags to increase the reach of your content and to make it more discoverable.
  3. Post at the right time: Experiment with different posting times to identify when your audience is most active on social media.
  4. Analyze your performance:Use social media analytics to track your performance and identify which content is resonating with your audience. Use this data to optimize your future content.
  5. Collaborate with influencers: Work with influencers to increase your brand’s reach and credibility on social media.
  6. Run social media ads:
    Use paid social media advertising to reach a larger audience and drive more traffic to your website or landing pages.

Overall, the key to successful SMO is to understand your audience, create high-quality content, and engage with your followers. By following these strategies, you can improve your social media presence and drive more traffic and leads to your business.

]]> Everything You Need to Know About Google’s Performance Max Campaigns Sat, 15 Oct 2022 15:12:38 +0000 Everything You Need to Know About Google’s Performance Max Campaigns

The Performance Max Campaign is the latest entry in the Google Ads network. Performance Max Campaign is the next step towards automation by Google Ads, and it combines all ad networks provided by the Google ads network.

Main Function of Performance Max Campaign by Google
Performance Max helps you drive performance based on your specified conversion goals, delivering more conversions and value by optimizing performance in real-time and across channels using Smart Bidding. Performance Max combines Google’s automation technologies across bidding, budget optimization, audiences, creatives, attribution, and more; all empowered by your specific advertising objective (for example, if you have a CPA or ROAS target) and the creative assets, audience signals, and optional data feeds you provide.

Benefits of Performance Max
Reach new audiences across all ad networks & show your ads to more potential prospects.
Performance Max works on smart bidding strategies & helps you drive better results & performance.
Steer automation with the Performance Max.
And last but not least transparent insights into what is working & what should be improved.

When to use it?
Performance Max is the best option to use when:
You have specific advertising and conversion goals (e.g., driving online sales, lead – generation, etc.).
You want to maximize the performance of your campaign and aren’t limited by which channel your ads appear on.
You want to easily access all of Google’s advertising channels using a single campaign.
You want to get additional reach and conversion value beyond keyword-based search campaigns.

Google Ads Automation
Google Ads automation uses machine learning to grow your business. You add your unique expertise, such as budget, business goals, and conversions you want to measure, and Google Ads automation will find potential customers for your goals and serve the most appropriate ad, with the optimal bid, to maximize campaign performance.

Campaign Inputs
Performance Max uses machine learning models to optimize bids and placements to drive conversions or conversion value for your goals. Still, you provide important inputs like audience signals (including your customer data) and high-quality text, images, and video that can significantly improve your campaign performance.

Problems With Performance Max
Although Performance Max has several benefits for beginners & novices, easy to use & set up, it doesn’t require much expertise for optimizations & automation.

What are the Issues?
New & Learning: Whoever knows about Google or any other market giant’s new features knows that these new tools come with great risk.
The Google Ads expert community has observed that this new campaign is good for saying that it can be easily handled by some who don’t have much experience with managing Google Ads.
The problems are that Performance Max only runs on smart bidding strategies & because of it, if your account doesn’t have much data, i.e., past conversions, it can go downhill with burning your money without any results.
It affects other campaigns running on smart bidding strategies & doesn’t provide much control at the product or ad level.
After launching Performance Max campaigns as a test, it has been observed that it affected other smart shopping or search campaigns that we provided good results before.
Performance Max is like a pandora’s box; it can provide great results if used correctly or burn your money without any results.

To avoid the above-stated issues, always test Performance Max with a particular category/collection. So, it would not affect the performance of other campaigns seen and discussed many times among the media buying community.

The Future
If you are not a fan of the Performance Max campaign due to conflicts & other issues, then it can’t be helped. It is here to stay. By Q3 of 2022, Google announced that the smart shopping campaigns, which are the favorite of all, would be replaced by Performance Max Campaigns.

[PPC] Determine a Bid Strategy Based on Your Goals Sat, 15 Oct 2022 15:03:39 +0000 [PPC] Determine a Bid Strategy Based on Your Goals

Hi everyone this article is about PPC, paid per click advertising. In Marketing, besides SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) there is also PPC, which I will talk about in this article. It is very tricky to attempt on PPC as not only it cost money, but it can also bleed your bank if done wrong.

However the goal is that once we found the optimised campaign that produces ROI, then thats where we can scale up the website or business. In PPC the cost is determined by bidding, which comes from supply and demand. Below are some questions to consider the bidding strategy.

Which Factors Should a Marketer Consider When Deciding a Bid Strategy for Effective ROI?

It is a common and confusing question about what strategy is good and performs. It depends on the situation, and there is no specific answer. But choosing the right strategy at the right time makes your campaign profitable. Most advertisers are struggling to achieve 200% ROAS in the initial stage.

So what is the best campaign bid strategy for you?

One of the important factors to achieve a profitable ROAS is to choose the appropriate bidding strategy based on the campaign goal. If the campaign purpose is awareness and you are selecting conversion objectives, it’s not good for your campaigns.

First, you have to be clear about your campaign objectives what you want to achieve first. What type of bidding strategy you will use. Like, Manual vs. Automated bidding strategy. We have many bidding strategies, but that does not mean you have to choose one bidding strategy for all the campaigns.

How to choose the right bidding strategy?

Before choosing a bidding strategy, you have to be clear about goals, limitations, and constraints. Goals: defines what you want to achieve, like traffic, leads or sales, etc.

Your Target Audience:
Who is your target audience? Identifying your target audience makes your campaign super profitable.

What is your budget?
A budget can allow you to reach out to an audience.
Several bidding strategies exist in the Google ads account. Here is the list of manual and automatic bidding strategies. Like: manual, target CPA, Target ROAS, Maximize click, target impression share, and enhance CPC.

Manual CPC:
This bidding strategy is used when you want the most control in your hands, like, manually optimize your every keyword’s bids.

Automatic Bidding:
In an automatic bidding strategy, google sets your bid according to goals, budget, and other settings.

Target CPA:
This bidding strategy is used when you want to achieve targeted conversion with a specific amount, like you need each conversion at $30.

Target ROAS:
This bidding strategy stands for Target Return on ad spend. This means the revenue you want to generate for each dollar you spend on ads. After this setup, Google will automatically optimize bids and try to achieve those goals.

Maximize Click:
With the help of this bidding strategy, Google tries to achieve more clicks according to your budget and bids.

Target Impression share:
This bidding strategy is set at your campaign level; this counts the percentage of times your ad is shown compared to the number of times your ad could be shown.
This Strategy is also used for brand awareness.

Enhance CPC:
Enhance CPC bidding strategy that raises bids to maximize the likelihood of achieving the advertiser’s target CPA or ROAS. Like, if an advertiser wants to get 400 conversions at $30 each, they can calculate their maximum bid using enhanced cost-per-click bidding, and they would then use enhanced CPC as their primary bidding strategy.
Since this is a manual CPC bidding strategy, you can not set your bids automatically through automated bidding methods like target return on ad spend or Target impression share bidding.

Note: We have several bidding strategies; just using one bidding strategy for so long is not enough. Use the appropriate bidding strategy that supports your campaign goal based on the data. In this way, your account will be profitable if you use it in the right way.

What is SEO Content creation? Tue, 04 Oct 2022 19:19:01 +0000 What is SEO Content Creation?

Content creation is basically the process of creating good quality content that provides value for your users, readers or potential customs and the audiences you want to reach.

The content information usually consist in the forms of different media such as video, images ,text , sound files etc. that your website visitors has access to on your public website.

The creative process can be quite long from the initial idea and planning stage to the finished product and is usually divided in two stages:

  1. Creation stage
  2. Management stage

A major factor of SEO content creation are the keywords used, the structure of the content created, and how you organize that content in your website.

In the create and planning stage it is quite common to gather and accumulate data that is related to the audience you want to reach so that the created content on your website has the maximum reach to as many as possible in your target group. In other words, data collection starts from scratch and the content creation process ends when everything has been collected.

It can require quite a lot of research once the data has been collected and analyzed. It takes time to create good content of high value. And as most are aware of Google and other search engines loves good content. Good information is still king on the internet!

You can sum down this to the following:

SEO Content Creation can be defined as content writing that can rank higher among the competitors. It includes quality content with proper structure, internal links, references and visual content


Making The Best SEO out of Content Creation

Every company has a unique product, and every user has a unique personality and opinion about the brand and products offered. To make certain that your created content you must make sure that it is also search engine optimized such as videos and images for example. Make sure that they are using the appropriate fields such as the ALT tag and video is marked correctly in the code too so that Google can read and index them correctly.

Create content of significant value and make use social media, user-generated content such as Instagram , Twitter, YouTube posts and interviews for example, and SEO content to drive targeted traffic to your website.

Do notborrow” text from other websites or use images or videos that are not yours as search engines are smart enough to figure out that you did not make the content yourself. (Not to also mention the ethical side, its just wrong!).  You will be punished for that.

Your blog post may not even be indexed. Internet marketing, content creation and SEO goes hand in hand and the execution of it is important to be planned well. It also requires that your marketing manager have an understanding of the brand’s overall position in the market

Make your Keyword research!

A important part of your strategy is to find and use those search terms (keywords that you wanted to be top ranked). An SEO campaign without keyword research is like ship without a rudder. It is incomplete and will not produce any tangigle results..

The four key steps of making a good keyword research:

Determine the goals of your marking campaign by searching for the relevant keywords relates to your business and what you are offering.
Make a list of the keywords that is what you users/customers will likely search for
Create the website content based on these keywords you have analyzed

A cornerstone of content creation is that it contains the main keywords that you have searched. You can link the content containing the long-tails keywords with this content.

Interlinking will help the bots crawl all the pages, identify the most important ones, and rank them accordingly. This kind of structure is also known as the tail to head structure. Interlinking can drastically reduce your bounce rate if you link appropriately.
SEO reduce your bounce Rate

You can read more about interlinking here at crunchify’s website : 

Avoid orphaned content that doesn’t receive any link from other website pages. Mostly, search engine bots ignore the content, which is difficult to access so usually it is ignored by the major search engines which are very bad for you.

Create tags too, it helps search engines and users to understand the information and also tags can help you link the similar content. Don’t overuse tags, use them to link to relevant information as less is sometimes more.
