wordpress | Business, Marketing & SEO Forums https://support.shorturl.gg Knowledge Help Portal | Business and Marketing SEO Forums. Find your answers here Mon, 12 Jun 2023 20:31:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://support.shorturl.gg/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/url-chain-32px.png wordpress | Business, Marketing & SEO Forums https://support.shorturl.gg 32 32 The Significance of WordPress Performance Optimization in 2023 https://support.shorturl.gg/business-marketing-and-seo-forums/topic/the-significance-of-wordpress-performance-optimization-in-2023/ Mon, 12 Jun 2023 20:18:16 +0000 https://support.shorturl.gg/business-marketing-and-seo-forums/topic/the-significance-of-wordpress-performance-optimization-in-2023/ WordPress speed optimization SEO business forums

The Significance of WordPress Performance Optimization in 2023.

In recent years, website performance has become more critical than ever, with both users and search engines demanding faster loading times and better overall experiences.

As WordPress powers over 40% of the entire internet, this influential platform must pay heed to performance improvements. Recently, Google’s search algorithm updates have caused quite a stir in the world of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), with ‘Core Web Vitals’ becoming a pivotal ranking factor for websites. Let’s explore how WordPress performance optimization can be your secret weapon in today’s competitive digital landscape.

1. Why WordPress Performance Optimization Matters:

The introduction of Google’s Core Web Vitals emphasizes user experience, taking into account speed, responsiveness, and visual stability as key assessment parameters. In line with these updates, WordPress websites must be optimized not only for content quality but for performance as well. When your website loads quickly, it provides users with a better experience, leading to longer stays, lower bounce rates, and increased conversions.

2. The Role of Themes and Plugins in Performance Optimization:

Themes and plugins contribute greatly to your website’s functioning. However, they can also harm performance if not selected and configured properly. Choose themes optimized for speed, and ensure you strictly pick plugins that contribute directly to your site’s functionality. Regularly evaluate your site’s active plugins and remove any unnecessary or outdated ones to improve performance.

3. Image Optimization: A Quick Win:

As images contribute to most websites’ size and load time, optimizing your media assets is essential. Use modern image formats like WebP for improved compression while retaining quality. Employ tools and plugins to compress and optimize images automatically, and consider implementing lazy-loading to further speed up page loading.

4. Leverage Browser Caching and Content Delivery Networks (CDNs):

Browser caching speeds up the loading time of your website for return visitors by saving a copy of static assets locally. Implementing caching mechanisms on your WordPress site is a quick performance boost. Additionally, using a Content Delivery Network (CDN) helps distribute your site’s content over multiple servers spread globally, thus reducing latency and improving loading times for a wider audience.

5. Implement Critical CSS and Minification:

Optimizing CSS and JavaScript in your WordPress site can dramatically improve loading times. By inlining ‘critical CSS’ – styles essential to render above-the-fold content – you can ensure a faster initial render. Minifying CSS, JavaScript, and HTML files removes unnecessary code, whitespace, and comments, making the files lighter and faster to load.

In conclusion, optimizing your WordPress website for performance in 2023 requires a strategic approach and leveraging the best tools at your disposal.

If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for WordPress https://support.shorturl.gg/business-marketing-and-seo-forums/topic/search-engine-optimization-seo-for-wordpress/ Tue, 21 Mar 2023 22:52:38 +0000 https://support.shorturl.gg/business-marketing-and-seo-forums/topic/search-engine-optimization-seo-for-wordpress/ Search Engine Optimization for WordPress websites

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an essential part of any website, including WordPress sites. It is the process of optimizing your website to increase its visibility and ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). In this article, we will explore some best practices for doing SEO with WordPress, using the Google SEO Starter Guide as a reference.

  1. Use a Responsive and Fast WordPress Theme

A responsive and fast WordPress theme is essential for SEO because it affects user experience and site speed. A responsive theme ensures that your website is mobile-friendly and can adjust its layout to fit different screen sizes. This is important because Google prioritizes mobile-friendly websites in search results.

A fast-loading website is also crucial for SEO because it improves user experience and reduces bounce rates. Google has stated that website speed is a ranking factor, and slower websites are penalized in search results. You can use tools like Google’s PageSpeed Insights to check your website’s speed and identify areas for improvement.

  1. Install an SEO Plugin

WordPress has many SEO plugins that can help you optimize your website. The most popular one is Yoast SEO, which helps you optimize your pages and posts for search engines. It provides suggestions on how to improve your content, meta descriptions, and titles. Yoast SEO also generates an XML sitemap, which helps search engines crawl your site.

  1. Use SEO-Friendly URLs and Permalinks

Your website’s URL structure and permalinks affect its SEO. SEO-friendly URLs are short, descriptive, and contain keywords related to your content. For example, instead of using a URL like “https://www.example.com/?p=123,” use a URL like “https://www.example.com/seo-with-wordpress.”

You can customize your website’s permalinks in WordPress by going to Settings > Permalinks. Choose a structure that is simple and easy to understand.

  1. Optimize Your Content

Creating high-quality, relevant, and engaging content is the foundation of good SEO. It’s essential to optimize your content for search engines by including keywords in your content and meta tags. However, avoid overusing keywords, which can lead to keyword stuffing, and hurt your rankings.

It’s also important to format your content for readability by using headings, bullet points, and images. Google’s SEO Starter Guide suggests using descriptive and concise headings and subheadings to help readers understand your content.

  1. Improve Your Website’s Navigation and User Experience

Your website’s navigation and user experience affect your SEO because they determine how long visitors stay on your site. A well-designed website with easy-to-use navigation and intuitive user experience will keep visitors engaged and reduce bounce rates.

  1. Build High-Quality Backlinks

Backlinks are essential for SEO because they signal to search engines that other websites trust and value your content. Building high-quality backlinks requires creating great content and promoting it on social media and other platforms.


SEO is an ongoing process, and it requires patience, persistence, and constant optimization. By following these best practices for doing SEO with WordPress, you can improve your website’s visibility, ranking, and user experience. Remember to focus on creating high-quality content, optimizing your website’s speed and structure, and building high-quality backlinks.

Securing WordPress & Hardening your Server https://support.shorturl.gg/business-marketing-and-seo-forums/topic/securing-wordpress-hardening-your-server/ Mon, 20 Feb 2023 17:34:04 +0000 https://support.shorturl.gg/business-marketing-and-seo-forums/topic/securing-wordpress-hardening-your-server/ Securing WordPress & Hardening your Server In a Few Easy steps

Securing WordPress & Hardening your Server In a Few Easy steps.

WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) in the world, powering millions of websites across the globe. However, its popularity also makes it a prime target for hackers and cybercriminals. Therefore, it is essential to secure your WordPress installation and harden your server to prevent any unauthorized access and protect your site from cyber threats.

In this article, we will discuss some best practices to secure your WordPress installation and harden your server.

  1. Keep WordPress Updated
    One of the most important steps to secure your WordPress site is to keep it updated. WordPress is constantly updating its software to fix bugs, add new features, and most importantly, patch security vulnerabilities. By keeping your WordPress software, plugins, and themes updated, you reduce the risk of your website being hacked or compromised.
  2. Use Strong Passwords
    Passwords are the keys to your website, and if your password is weak, your website is vulnerable. Therefore, it’s essential to use strong passwords that are difficult to guess. You should also consider using two-factor authentication, which adds an additional layer of security to your website login.
  3. Limit Login Attempts
    Limiting login attempts is an effective way to prevent brute-force attacks. Brute-force attacks are a common hacking technique that involves trying multiple username and password combinations until the correct one is found. By limiting login attempts, you can prevent these attacks and protect your website from unauthorized access.
  4. Use Security Plugins
    WordPress offers a wide range of security plugins that can help you secure your website. These plugins offer features such as malware scanning, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems that can help protect your site from cyber threats.
  5. Backup Your Website
    Backing up your website is essential to protect your site from data loss or corruption. You should regularly backup your site and store the backups in a secure location. This way, if your website is compromised or hacked, you can restore it to a previous version.
  6. Secure Your Server
    Securing your server is just as important as securing your WordPress site. You should ensure that your server is properly configured, and all security patches are applied. You can also consider using a firewall and intrusion detection system to protect your server from unauthorized access.
  7. Use SSL Encryption
    SSL encryption is an essential component of website security. SSL encryption ensures that all data transferred between your website and your visitors is secure and encrypted. This prevents any sensitive data, such as login credentials or credit card information, from being intercepted by hackers.
  8. Remove Unnecessary Plugins and Themes
    You should remove any plugins or themes that are not being used. These can be a potential security risk, as they may contain vulnerabilities that can be exploited by hackers. You should also regularly review your plugins and themes to ensure that they are up to date and do not pose a security risk.
  9. Monitor Your Website
    Regularly monitoring your website can help you detect any security issues before they become a problem. You should monitor your website for any unusual activity, such as a sudden increase in traffic or suspicious login attempts. This can help you identify and resolve any security issues before they cause any damage.

In conclusion, securing your WordPress installation and hardening your server is essential to protect your website from cyber threats. By following these best practices, you can reduce the risk of your website being compromised, and ensure that your website remains secure and available to your users.

The non bullshit guide to disable xlm-rpc in WordPress https://support.shorturl.gg/business-marketing-and-seo-forums/topic/the-non-bullshit-guide-to-disable-xlm-rpc-in-wordpress/ Mon, 23 Jan 2023 23:04:56 +0000 https://support.shorturl.gg/?post_type=topic&p=3028 How to disable xlm rpc-in wordpress


How to disable xlm-rpc in WordPress the non bullshit guide

Tired on long lengthy annoying guides guides where you have to scroll for ages to the end find the solution to your problem?

Well this is not one of them. In short xlm-rpc is a protocol that enables you to blog from your phone and bla bla. (things you don´t need to know or want to know anyway and we won’t bore you with it.) But you don´t need any of this and after since WordPress version 6.1.1. is vulnerable to hackers exploiting and wrecking your WordPress website you should disable it all together and forever. So here is what you need to do disable How to disable xlm rpc-in WordPress:

First off you do not need a silly plugin that will bloat your website and your database. We will do it all through code and it is very easy!

First you need to take the code below and and save it in in a notepad txt document as “wp-disable-xlm-rpc.php”.

This will create something called a “mu-plugin”. If you do not have the folder in your wp-content folder, then create a folder called “mu-plugins”. Then upload and save your new mu-plugin in this folder. This will disable most of the xlm-rpc functionality so it only accepts POST commands. That is fine, not enough as we want to block it completely. 

Now in your servers www root folder (Usually called public_html), where your WordPress installation files are. Look for a file called “.htaccess” and add these lines of code:


and then save the document. You now need to test in your browser and verify that it worked.

E.g. https://mywebsite.com/xmlrpc.php

if your server responds with a 403 forbidden or 404 not found then you have succeeded! 

Congratulation, you just made your WordPress server safer from exploits of the XML RPC security hole that hackers use in an attempt to break into your server.

How To Use A Woocommerce Custom Attribute In Product Metas https://support.shorturl.gg/business-marketing-and-seo-forums/topic/how-to-use-a-woocommerce-custom-attribute-in-product-metas/ Sun, 27 Nov 2022 10:53:57 +0000 https://support.shorturl.gg/?post_type=topic&p=2895

Hello everyone,

A little trick that might help many of you with your SEO.
If you are customizing your meta title and description (and you really should) you might want to use some dynamic information to save time and help you out.

First of all, before telling you about this trick, a few reminders about metas and what I think is the best way to use them.

You should always keep in mind that metas are directed to people on the web, they must be readable, attractive and relevant.
Also remember that they will appear on Google search results. People will take less than a second to decide if they will click on your link or not, do not try to make it a clickbait, just try to explain, in very few words what is your product or your service. You will get more clicks and a better bounce rate.

You should customize them as much as you can:

This is actually the most common mistake I see and one of the reason of this post.
I know, customizing metas for each product is very time consuming, more over if you work on websites with thousands of products.

My advice:
Make a global meta title and description as many dynamic values as possible, with custom attributes. This will do most of the work for you. You will just have to check the result while creating new products and make minor adjustments.

Keep it simple:
This point is almost like the 1st advice but need to be said twice 🙂
Many site decide to put the name of their site in the meta title, or their shop catchphrase, I think this is a mistake.
If someone is searching in Google “iPhone X 16GB”
They will click on a meta showing :
“iPhone X 16GB from $200, 1 year warranty”
Not on :
“Best iPhones at the best price from superphonesite.site”

Now, many plugin that helps you manage SEO have features to create dynamic meta titles and meta descriptions for your products, including Smartcrawler pro. But if you need to add a custom attribute, it is not possible. Adding a custom woo commerce attribute like color, size, model number can be very useful to customize your meta automatically and save you a lot of time.

Here is how you can add custom attribute in your meta for WPMU Dev’s Smartcrawl plugin

1st thing, You will have to create a small mu-plugin. Open up your favorite HTML editor and save tis code as custom-meta-attribute.php.

Now head over to your WordPress installation and upload this little mu-plugin to wp-content/mu-plugins folder. Once you done that it is instantly activated by the system and no more action is needed on your side. If the “mu-plugins” folder doesn’t exist then create it in the wp-content folder.

WordPress MU-plugin code:

ID, $taxonomy_name, ”, ‘, ‘ ) );
return $replacement;
}, 10, 2);
10 Tips that will help you blog more; on your smartphone https://support.shorturl.gg/business-marketing-and-seo-forums/topic/10-tips-that-will-help-you-blog-more-on-your-smartphone/ Sun, 20 Nov 2022 21:03:57 +0000 https://support.shorturl.gg/business-marketing-and-seo-forums/topic/10-tips-that-will-help-you-blog-more-on-your-smartphone/ 10 Tips that will help you blog more; on your smartphone | Business, Marketing, SEO Forum

10 Tips that will help you blog more; on your smartphone…

As I sit here watching my youngest at soccer practice, it dawns on me. I have 60 mins with nothing better to do than sit on my phone.

Now I could just scroll through social media, but I despise being unproductive and this time can be better used to blog. Then the thought dawned on me “when were other good times to blog and how could I make it easier?”

Dead hours :
These are hours or short pieces of time, where you have no other choice but to be on your phone. There are lots of these, like public transport, kids sports, doctors waiting rooms and even while the family watches TV. I am not suggesting you become socially awkward, but anytime that you would normally be on social media is a great time to blog instead.

Social media:
What about social media, um, delete it! “Wait, what did he just say?” I hear your internal monologue scream! Let’s be honest, social media just gets in the way and does nothing to improve you as a human being. Exiling it from your mobile phone means no distraction. Now everytime you want to check your socials, use this as que to blog instead! I’m not suggesting you delete them entirely, but remove them from your phone and keep them restricted to your iPad or Laptop.

Blog from your phone:
Now that you no longer have those pesky socials distracting you have time to write instead. Blogging from your phone might be the single best thing you can do to increase your blogging output. It just makes so much sense, your phone is always on you and it’s so convenient to anywhere. You will be surprised how much you can get done in about 30 mins. Hmmm… 669 words to be exact 🙂

Reward yourself for doing it:
This is generally going to be done in times that aren’t exactly working hours. So make it an enjoyable process and get motivation from the fact that you are being productive rather than scrolling through other people’s photos.

Don’t make it about volume;
Make it about creativity and consistency. Quickly jotting down an idea or expanding on an existing idea. Small amounts often are easy to do and breeds creativity, this very easily leads to getting hooked into creating more. Whereas committing or pushing yourself to write 300 or 1000 words before you get off the train will stifle your creativity, because it brings a different atmosphere that feels too much like work.

Easy to start and stop:
Your phone is always with you and super convenient to just throw down a few notes and pop it back in your pocket for later. A laptop takes and isn’t as inconspicuous.

Don’t commit to finishing:
This is controversial and I’m not sure on this one just yet. But let’s run with it for now. When I sit at my desk, I start and finish the same piece before moving onto anything else, or I end up with a number of unfinished pieces that never see the light of day. Your phone should be seen as an ideas hub that breeds creativity not a chore or place of work.

Enjoy the process:
I can’t stress this enough. Your phone will soon become your secret productivity weapon, rather than a time suck, but be sure to focus on creativity and not production.

Get a content buddy:
Much like anything else in life, it’s more fun with friends. Share ideas, tips and tricks with each other. Motivate and congratulate each other on achieving something many others could not.

WordPress smartphone app:
WordPress has an app that allows you to blog directly to your website. I am still a fan of blogging to an editor first, but this might be a good option for some.
Bonus Tip: Use tools that sync with your computer, so you can continue without fuss when you are next back at your laptop or desk.

Make sure your new content ideas are easy to find when you finally sit down at your desk for editing, so use tags, titles and folders to keep them organized and accessible. There is nothing worse than writing a great piece and not being able to find it!
I use Notes on my iphone with a folder called Blog ideas. Google Docs will also work, then just copy and paste your new blog into Grammarly or Language Tools for a quick editorial.

What are you waiting for?
Tell me your favourite hacks to get you writing more often.

How Guest Blogging Can Help Your Website Ranking https://support.shorturl.gg/business-marketing-and-seo-forums/topic/how-guest-blogging-can-help-your-website-ranking/ Thu, 17 Nov 2022 19:41:38 +0000 https://support.shorturl.gg/business-marketing-and-seo-forums/topic/how-guest-blogging-can-help-your-website-ranking/ WordPress Guest Blogging | Business, Marketing SEO forums

How Guest Blogging Can Help Your Website Ranking

Guest blogging is a great way to get exposure for your blog or website.
Not only does it give you the opportunity to share your content with a new audience, but it can also help you build links and boost your SEO.

In this post, we’re going to take a look at why guest blogging is so important, as well as some tips for making the most of it.

We’ll also touch on some common pitfalls to avoid. By the end of this post, you should have a good understanding of how guest blogging can help your blog or website.

Guest blogging can also be a great way to learn about different blog platforms and writing styles,
By writing for other sites, you can improve your own skills and learn from the best in the business. Additionally, guest blogging can help you network with other bloggers and professionals in your field. When done correctly, guest blogging can be an incredibly valuable tool for building your brand and gaining exposure for your website or blog.

Guest blogging can help your SEO by increasing the number of inbound links to your site.
If the guest post is on a high quality site, then it can also help you rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). Additionally, guest blogging can help you build relationships with other bloggers and influencers in your niche.

These relationships can lead to valuable opportunities down the road, such as being able to guest blog on their sites or collaborate on projects. In addition, guest blogging can give you more exposure and traffic to your blog or website.

Guest blogging can be a great way to increase the number of inbound links to your site.
If the guest post is on a high quality site, then it can also help you rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). Additionally, guest blogging can help you build relationships with other bloggers and influencers in your niche.

These relationships can lead to valuable opportunities down the road, such as being able to guest blog on their sites or collaborate on projects. In addition, guest blogging can give you more exposure and traffic to your blog or website. However, there are some things that you need to keep in mind when doing guest blogging.

First and foremost, make sure that the blog that you are Guest Blogging for is high quality. Second, always submit a well written and coherent post. Third, be sure to properly cite your sources when quoting from other authors’ work. Finally, be aware of any copyright issues that may arise when using someone else’s content without permission.

To get started with guest blogging, there are a few things that you need to consider.

  • First, make sure that you have the right content.
  • Second, find reputable sites that want to receive your content and contact them directly.
  • Third, write high-quality articles that will engage readers and highlight your expertise. Fourth, promote your blog through social media platforms and other online channels. Finally, be prepared to invest time in order to achieve success with guest blogging.

Guest blogging can be a great way to build relationships with other bloggers and websites in your industry.
However, it is important to be aware of Google’s quality standards for guest blogging. If your blog is not indexed by Google, then your guests will not be able to find your posts. Additionally, make sure that all of the content you submit as a guest blogger is high quality and relevant to your target audience.

To be successful with guest blogging, you’ll need to have a good understanding of the platform.
This means being able to write well, research your topic thoroughly, and create compelling content. Start by reading blog posts that are relevant to your industry or topic, and take notes on what makes them successful. Once you have a decent understanding of how guest blogging works, it’s time to start creating content.

Thoughts guys?

Prevent yourself from WordPress User Enumeration Attacks https://support.shorturl.gg/business-marketing-and-seo-forums/topic/protect-yourself-from-wordpress-user-enumeration-attacks-and-how-to-prevent-it/ Wed, 09 Nov 2022 11:28:00 +0000 https://support.shorturl.gg/?post_type=topic&p=2837 protect yourself user-enumeration wp WordPress, Simple URL Business, Marketing, SEO forums

Protect yourself from WordPress User Enumeration Attacks and how to prevent it.

So what is user Enumeration Attacks?

Well user Enumeration Attacks are several brute-force techniques with the purpose of guessing or confirming login credentials such as usernames, e-mail addresses and passwords. Basically a hacker attempts to guess your login information and they do not of course do this manually but they use computers/servers to randomly scan the internet with bot spiders to din a vulnerable website; you website!

User enumeration is often a web application vulnerability, though it can also be found in any system that requires user authentication. Two of the most common areas where user enumeration occurs are in a site’s login page and its ‘Forgot Password’ functionality.

The malicious actor is looking for differences in the server’s response based on the validity of submitted credentials. The Login form is a common location for this type of behavior. When the user enters an invalid username and password, the server returns a response saying that user ‘rapid7′ does not exist.

By default, WordPress is vulnerable to such User Enumeration attempts. Of course, bad username and password practices will have an even greater impact on this vulnerability.

The two most common web application targets for enumeration attacks are:
  • The login page
  • Password reset page

A webserver with poor application security will identify a non-existent username with an invalid username message where is displays that either the user name does not exist or password is incorrect:

Login screen WordPress, , Simple URL Shortner, Business, marketing, SEO forums

This confirms for a hacker/ cyber criminal that the user/password doesn’t exist in the database. Thus this is a way to validate if the user does not exist and keep trying until a combination works and the hacker can successfully login.

WordPress user enumeration, Simple URL Shortner, Business, marketing, SEO forums

How Does User Enumeration Work in WordPress?

Method 1: Author Archives
Perhaps the easiest method to find WordPress usernames is by going through the author archives. To enumerate usernames through the author archives method, simply append an integer (i.e. 1,2,3, etc.) as a value to the parameter “author”. For example, look at the following values:

<codestyle=”color:#000000;”>http://example.com/?author=1 http://example.com/?author=2 http://example.com/?author=3

These values would then fetch the results like the following:


Therefore, by fuzzing the parameter author in the WordPress home URL, multiple author names can be enumerated.

How can you prevent these attacks?

Use a security plugin such as :

  • WPMU Dev Defender – https://wpmudev.com/project/wp-defender/
  • CledanTalk Cloud firewall: https://cleantalk.org/wordpress-security-malware-firewall
  • WordFence – https://wordpress.org/plugins/wordfence/
  • All-In-One Security (AIOS) – https://wordpress.org/plugins/all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall/
  • BBQ Firewall – https://wordpress.org/plugins/block-bad-queries/
  • Really Simple SSL (Their pro version which allows you to lock down vulnerabilities): https://wordpress.org/plugins/really-simple-ssl/
  • Require two-factor authentication (2FA) on all users on your website. At least for the administrators, editor and moderation accounts.
  • Use strong password that is at least 15-20 characters long and mixed with both upper, lower characters and various symbols. You could use for this purpose a password manager such as Lastpass: https://www.lastpass.com either for yourself or your entire team and set the password policies there too. This will prevent any hackers from finding any weak passwords in your website. LastPass can also generate passwords up to 100 characters making passwords extremely secure.

You can also do further hardening of your WordPress security by blocking user-enumeration through functions.php in your WordPress theme:

Alternatively you could also do it by creating a WordPress MU-plugin:

A MU-plugin is a little custom code plugin that enables the code’s function systemwide. This is very useful and requires a less resources from your servers too than using a plugin for it. It also is beneficial when running WordPress Multisite as all websites created in the system will apply the code simultaneously thus effectively protecting all websites instead of manually applying it to every website’s theme functions.php.

How to activate your MU-plugin:

Once you saved the plugin with a unique name “My-plugin-function.php“.
Now create a new directory in your WordPress installation server folder E.g. the www folder:

Save or create your MU-plugin folder as follows: Path: Your www root folder >>> wp-content >>> mu-plugins

and upload your new MU-plugin to that folder. Once it is uploaded it is activated instantly. That’s it!

You can confirm also that the MU-plugin is activated:

Login to your WordPress admin back-end and click on “plugins” in the right menu pane. Click on “Must Use” and find your new mu-plugin in the list.

MU-plugins wordpress , Simple URL Shortener, Business, marketing, SEO forums

Block WordPress Enumeration through the .htaccess file:

You can also block at server level rather than website level and block server requests by adding the this .htaccess code in your server’s www root.

Note: You must change http://mywebsite.com to your own website domain name address!span

Examples of Complex Enumeration Attacks:

LDAP Enumeration: Light-Weight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is a protocol used to access directory services – hierarchical structures of user records.

A successful LDAP enumeration attack could reveal the following sensitive information:

  • ​Usernames
  • Addresses
  • Contact information
  • Business sector information

NetBIOS Enumeration
Network Basic Input Output System (NetBIOS) is used as an API that enables endpoints to access LAN resources.

Each NetBIOS protocol is comprised of a unique 16-character string that identifies network devices over TCP/IP.

To facilitate NetBIOS enumeration attacks, printer and file services need to be enabled. These attacks occur via port 139 on the Microsoft Operating System.

A successful NetBIOS enumeration attack could make the following attacks possible on the compromised machine.

  • The compromised endpoint could be recruited into a Botnet and used to launch DDoS attacks.
  • The hackers could execute further enumerate privileged access accounts to gain access to sensitive resources.
  • SNMP Enumeration
    Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a framework for requesting or modifying information on networked devices. SNMP is software agnostic, meaning networked devices can access regardless of the type of software they are running.

Cyberattacks enumerate SNMP on remote devices to gather the following intelligence:

  • Traffic behavior
  • Remote device identifiers
  • Identifying information about networked devices and resources
To Use Woocommerce or Shopify https://support.shorturl.gg/business-marketing-and-seo-forums/topic/to-use-woocommerce-or-shopify/ Fri, 28 Oct 2022 10:58:23 +0000 https://support.shorturl.gg/?post_type=topic&p=2794 woocommerce or shopify business markerting seo forum

To Use Woocommerce or Shopify

Are you looking to set up an online store but don’t know where to start? If you’re considering using WordPress for your eCommerce website, then you’ve likely heard of the two most popular eCommerce plugins: WooCommerce and Shopify.

In this post, we’re going to pit WooCommerce against Shopify and help you figure out which platform is the best for your needs. We’ll try to cover everything from the basics of each platform to the key differences between them. By the end of this post, you should have a good understanding of which platform is right for you.

Why WooCommerce Is The Best ECommerce Platform For WordPress?

When it comes to eCommerce, there are a number of different platforms available. However, WooCommerce is the best option for WordPress-based stores. It’s free to use, and it integrates seamlessly with WordPress. This means that setting up and managing your online store is easy.

In addition, there are a wide range of plugins and themes available for WooCommerce, giving you the ability to customize your store to meet your specific needs. Moreover, WooCommerce is very popular; this means that there is a large community of users who can offer support and advice when needed.

WooCommerce is the eCommerce platform for WordPress. It’s free to use, and it integrates seamlessly with WordPress. This means that setting up and managing your online store is easy. In addition, there are a wide range of plugins and themes available for WooCommerce, giving you the ability to customize your store to meet your specific needs. Moreover, WooCommerce is very popular; this means that there is a large community of users who can offer support and advice when needed. So if you’re looking for an eCommerce platform that will make your life easier, then WooCommerce should be at the top of your list.

The Benefits Of Using WooCommerce Over Shopify
More than 26% of the top 10 million sites on the web use WordPress, so it’s definitely a popular platform. WooCommerce is one of the most popular WordPress plugins, and it offers a lot of benefits that can be useful in your store

For example, WooCommerce gives you more control over your store and data. You can manage everything from product prices to shipping information in WooCommerce. Additionally, WooCommerce is more flexible when it comes to choosing a payment processor. So you can use any payment processor that you want, without having to worry about compatibility issues or limitations with Shopify. Finally, Shopify is a hosted platform which means you don’t have to worry about hosting fees or server maintenance.

However, there are some disadvantages to using WooCommerce over Shopify. For example, WooCommerce doesn’t offer as many features and options when it comes to editing the design. So if you’re looking for a more non-developer friendly platform, then Shopify may be a better option. Additionally, WooCommerce more technical knowledge than Shopify when it comes to setting up your store or managing your content.

The Key Differences Between WooCommerce And Shopify
If you’re looking to start an ecommerce business, there are a few key differences between WooCommerce and Shopify that you should consider.

WooCommerce is a plugin for WordPress, while Shopify is a standalone platform. This means that WooCommerce is free to use, while Shopify charges monthly fees. Additionally, WooCommerce offers 24/7 customer support, whereas Shopify does not.

Shopify also has a built-in payment gateway, while WooCommerce does not. If you want to accept payments through your ecommerce site, then you’ll need to purchase and install a payment gateway such as PayPal or Stripe. This can be costly, and may not be feasible if your ecommerce site only handles small orders or doesn’t have significant traffic volume.

Despite these key differences, there are some things that both platforms can do well. WooCommerce is popular for its user-friendly interface, while Shopify has a more customizability level. Additionally, both platforms offer drag and drop builder tools which make it easy to create custom ecommerce websites.

Ultimately, the choice between WooCommerce and Shopify comes down to your specific needs and preferences. If you’re looking for a free platform with comprehensive features, WooCommerce is a good option. However, if you want to pay for premium features or have more control over your ecommerce site’s design, then Shopify may be a better fit.

To Summarize:
Overall, WooCommerce is the best eCommerce platform for WordPress. It’s free to use and integrates seamlessly with WordPress, making it easy to set up and manage your online store. In addition, there are a wide range of plugins and themes available for WooCommerce, giving you the ability to customize your store to meet your specific needs. Moreover, WooCommerce is very popular, so there is a large community of users who can offer support and advice when needed. So if you’re looking for an eCommerce platform that will make your life easier, WooCommerce should be at the top of your list!

Part One: Find success in Blogging https://support.shorturl.gg/business-marketing-and-seo-forums/topic/part-one-find-success-in-blogging/ Thu, 27 Oct 2022 14:26:42 +0000 https://support.shorturl.gg/business-marketing-and-seo-forums/topic/part-one-find-success-in-blogging/

Part One: Find success in Blogging

Success do not happen overnight. Same goes for successful bloggers that doing well. They did not get to where they are right now right away.

Like you and me, they once too Google ‘how to write a blog post’. But what sets them apart is that they have goals, datelines and discipline. They envision these goals and stick to it, and so should you. Before the year ends, let us help you get ready to have a good jumpstart with your blogging goals and welcome the new year right.

Why Are Your Goals Important:

Regardless of what you do or what you would want to achieve, knowing what your clear goals are make a lot of difference. A whole lot. People who belong to the cream of the crop in their institution or field have vividly mapped out their goals and they commit every day of their lives to achieving those goals.

However, it is not all that. You must also be able to identify if your goals are the “right goals”. Do not just say “I want to get rich.” Instead proudly declare “I want to have a million dollars in my account before I reach 30.” When visualizing your goals for your blog page, do not just say that you want your blog to be famous. Create specific targets and aim for them.

Learn to have SMART blogging goals which I will tell you more later in this article.

How To Achieve Excellent Blogging Goals:

1. Focus On Creation

It is human nature to always look for something new and fresh every time and your blog must be able to answer the need of your visitors. If not, then they would end up bored and look for other pages to visit. A-lister bloggers dedicate themselves to come up with powerful content every single day.

As a blog owner, you ought to learn how to create worthwhile substance that will keep your audience entertained and engaged. Always be on the lookout for new opportunities and ideas related to your niche. As much as possible, do not let a day pass you by without coming up with a new idea or even a new blog content.

2. Measure Your Performance

When you set goals, quantify them. Give a specific time, amount of income to be generated or target number of visits for you to measure or gauge yourself at the end of a specific period. This is a very important step when setting your goals so you know whether you have achieved them or missed them and try better. When you have decided that you want to generate income from your blog then measuring your performance should be necessary.

Performance goals should be SMART which stands for specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bounded.

  • Specific – What are you specifically trying to achieve? Is your goals clear enough? Be specific and describe it in detail.
  • Measurable – Numbers can give you a clear visualization and realization of your goals. How much time can you commit? How long can you continue blogging? Can you measure your progress? How much earnings do you expect?
  • Attainable – Is your goal realistic enough? Can you really accomplish this goal?
    Relevant – Do you have the resources needed? How ready are you to take actions for this goal? Do you have what it takes?
  • Timely – Set a deadline for yourself. Can you achieve the goal in this time?

Always aim to have SMART blogging goals. I believe up till today blogging is still crucial for any other industry as its still the main way to go for SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Therefore its something we should not neglect.
