How do I setup reverse DNS for multiple domain names?
I’m thinking of if I have done this correctly for my mail server and if i need to setup several PTR records? 🤔
Do I need several PRT records for each domain name TLD in my DNS configuration so emails are not marked as spam by other email servers?Follow the crowd and you be just another cheep.
well found this about reverse dns
Well I did a search and I found this answer on the subject. It seems you only need one PTR record for the origin server/ root domain?
https://serverfault.com/questions/1065964/reverse-dns-for-multiple-subdomainsAlso here is some more information I found about reverse DNS on the subject that explain the technical side of it further.
https://simpledns.plus/kb/77/how-to-sub-delegate-a-reverse-zone-ipv4Maybe it helps you a bit?
Thanks mate. I’ll will read-up on it.
I already read some and it seems you might be correct. I dunno.
i found this tool which seems handy to test my reverse DNS records and my mail server with: https://dnschecker.org/reverse-dns.php
Follow the crowd and you be just another cheep.
Reverse DNS is done on the IP address…
Hi LionKing,
Reverse DNS is done on the IP address, not the domain name. So as long as the reverse IP lookup works, and returns a domain that then resolves to the same IP address it will be ok.
So you are ok to send as any email address once you have a PTR for the IP address you are sending on. Just make sure you have SPF records for the domains you do send from, since they are checked.
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