May I ask what is your article writing work flow like?
Hello everybody,
I like to write more articles but it feels like I found a good find a way; a workflow that would fit my needs and working methods to write articles. Something efficient and straightforward with one central point of management and that would allow to have full control of articles.
My thought about copy-writing are:
– To be efficient as possible (writing and publishing articles even with images shall be the only thing I shall focus on)
– Writing from one location
– pPblishing to multiple websites
– Having access to all my articles
– Ability to update articles and
Points I’m struggling with:
– Image management, having to manually upload images for each article. It’s also impossible to copy/paste images directly in an article without a paid plugin (again)
– Writing articles in software like Word, or Writer and then reviewing articles in WordPress is a waste of time and I end up by not being sure for an article, which is the final version of the article,
My question is fairly simple:
What is your workflow, the one you found that dramatically increased your productivity?In my case, it’s not an issue of finding topics as I have quite a lot of ideas but the way I’m working is time consuming and I’m sure something I didn’t find in Google exists.
I would love to learn more about your working methods!
Thank you and have a nice day!
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