Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions | Simple URL Shortener

Frequently asked questions and answers

What is Simple URL Shortener?

We offer a URL shortening service where you can shorten very long links to short and more easy manageable links that you can use to share your content with on social media, your own website or use on smart phones or as company use for marketing purposes. For example run e-mail marketing or mobile marketing campaigns such as sms text messages. We do offer marketing automation for companies through our API so you can generate thousands of links through your company´s preferred marketing software.

Can I use other domains than the default one?

Yes we do offer the choice to use different domains (multi-domains) , than the default domain.
You can choice from several pre-configured domain names which we offer inside our system.
We do also support using own custom branded domain names. You can read more about that on on pricing page

Do you offer custom branded domains?

Yes, we offer custom branded domains for Business plan premium users and we charge one time free for the configuration and setup of it. We do however not sell the domain which you have acquire through a accredited registrar. Read more about this custom branded domain feature on our pricing page with our premium business plan.

How do I get support? I have a question and need help.
For both paid and free plans:

We recommend that you start with looking for answers in our knowledge base as you can find most questions to our service there. You can find it here: Knowledge support portal

If you still cannot find any answers then try our community support forums here: Here

Paying customers do have direct access to our ticket support system:

We suggest you read the help articles “Getting Started here in our knowledge base to learn more.

Yes, we do provide premium paid plans , but our basic plan doesn´t require any registration and is completely free to use forever. We do suggest that you use that before you get a paid account as we do not provide trials. Instead use the free option and if you are happy with what we offer then upgrade to a premium account.

Is the free plan ad supported?

Yes, the free plan does display ads on the landing page which displays a countdown button for 10 seconds so your visitors can review the page you are sending them to.

Paid premium plans are not displaying any advertising on your links on the landing page. Paid plans also allow you to override the landing page make a direct redirect instead making the your visitor’s user experience transparent to the end destination.

How can I delete or deactivate my account?

You can open a ticket at our support help desk here: and request that your account is deleted or deactivated and that you are forgotten by as per GDPR.
Currently our system does not support user deletion/deactivation from your own account.

Please note that our help desk is reserved for premium paying customers and we will not process any tickets related to other requests that is not related to account deletion.

For other common issues we suggest that your use our community support forums here or look for answers in our support portal ´s knowledge database: 

All shortened web links generated on our system will never be deleted as long as they do not break out TOS or common law. So yes your links will be kept active forever on our servers.

You´re allowed to use them for online marketing campaigns such as for example sms, e-mail social media etc. if you´re a company. You are as an individual or company welcome to post your short links anywhere on the internet. As long as your content doesn´t break our TOS, infringe on brand copyrights or break local laws then you will have no problems.

How does your API work?

You can read more about our API and how you can use in your company for marketing automation purposes here: Developers API

Why do I and my visitors have to wait to 10 seconds to be redirected?

We care about our user’s security and want people to be able to feel safe on the internet. The landing page’s countdown button is basically a security feature that allows users to review and preview the final destination page and thus deem it safe before visiting the shortened link.

Do you offer refunds on paid services?

Yes we do offer refunds on paid services of our premium plans. You can read about our refund policy here.

How can I get help with a question before I purchase a premium plan?

You can contact our sales department on our frontpage by using and filling out the webform at the very bottom of our homepage here.

Just fill out the details and your questions and we will get back to you soon. Thank you.

It depends on the content in the link, but as a rule of thumb; no we do not allow any links that contains sexual acts, such as porn sites, sexually naked images, videos etc. which will be deleted as it is discovered by our staff.

On the other hand; if the content shared is of more artistic nature we might allow it.

What payment methods do you currently support?

We currently only support PayPal as the only method to pay and upgrade our premium plans.

You can read more about manage your links here in our knowledge base here.

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