GET request with JSON or TEXT | Developers API

Simple URL Shortener API | GET request with responses in JSON or TEXT formats
Simple URL Shortener | Premium Feature Banner

Our API for business integration (For PHP integrations please see here.) and developers returns API query responses in JSON or TEXT formats formats which can be used in various business implementation scenarios such as for example; marketing campaigns, CRM systems, sms text messages etc...

Currently there is two methods for sending GET requests that we support which can be used for automation of shortening links through our API to generate links through external business applications.

All you have to do is to send a GET request with your API token and URL as per the following two example methods below:

When you send the are request to our API, you will receive a JSON back with the server response:

If you want a TEXT response then just add &format=text at the end of your request as the below example. This will return just the short link. Note that if an error occurs, it will not output anything.

Please be aware of that:
  • The api & url are required values in the query string and the other values like alias, format & type are optional to use.
  • If you want to use our multi domain feature then take a look at this article here.

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