How to change a link’s destination?

This is a premium feature which isn’t included in the free plan

If you like to change final destination URL, (Target URL) then you must login to your account and go to Manage links:

Menu manage links | Simple URL Shortener

Click on the menu which then will expand:

menu expanded manage links | Simple URL Shortener

In that expanded menu chose “All links” and an new page will load in your dashboard with a a list of your current shortened links. From that list find the link that you would like to change the target URL on:

Manage links - change or edit link destination  | Simple URL Shortener
Click the “Edit ” button to the right side. That will load a new window and display the options for managing your short link.

In that section chose the Long URL field:

edit short link long url field | Simple URL Shortener

Edit the existing long hyperlink in the Long URL field to what you want the final target URL should be instead and then click the “Submit” button and you’re done. The short link will now redirect to that new destination you have entered instead instead.

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